Welcome to your STRIPES Dashboard Brian!

Everything you need to know and do for this program is here on your dashboard

Upcoming Events

September 19: Master Talk | Jen Fanz

October 4: Monthly Check-In

October 26: Breakthrough Reflection | Session 6

November 1: Monthly Check-In

November 10: Master Talk | Matt Green

Past Events

March 10: Master Talk | Stephanie Hall

March 15: Breakthrough Reflection | Session 1

March 16: Master Workshop | Denis Stypulkoski, Session 1

  1. Read (About 45 mins) - Harvard Business Review Articles: Why Curiosity Matters

  2. Watch (About 25 mins) - You will need to register for free on the All Things Innovation website

  3. Watch (About 5 mins) - You are using MURAL as part of a meeting or workshop. Here is a short overview of what, why, and how to use the tool before your meeting

April 5: Monthly Check-In

April 19: Breakthrough Reflection | Session 2

April 21: Master Workshop | Denis Stypulkoski, Session 2

  1. Take the MERCK curiosity survey by clicking on the link in section 5 of the Workshop 1 MURAL. Screenshot your results and post it to the Workshop 2 Mural (which I will make available shortly).

  2. Read pages 1-26 of the IDEO field guide (the PDF is available in the Resources area of the Workshop 1 Mural)

  3. Coordinate with your teammates to identify and research an Innovative company of interest to you. Refer to the listings I made available in the resources area of the MURAL, or use your own exploration to research the culture of an Innovative Company. Assess what you can learn through the WHY and HOW lenses of our exercises in Workshop 1. Post your findings/learnings to the Workshop 2 Mural and be prepared to present what you learned at our next workshop (plan for about 10 minutes of sharing plus 5 minutes to answer questions from other participants)

Team 1: Valere King & Jake Nguyen
Team 2: Ana Lage & Matt Diehl
Team 3: Brian Dundon, Joseph Turner & Lilia Romero
Team 4: David Miles & Tara Berlingo
Team 5: Rita Garwood & Richard Irwin

May 3: Monthly Check-In

May 5: Master Talk | Nate Gibbons

May 19: Master Workshop | Denis Stypulkoski, Session 3

  1. Read “This Is Why Innovation Programs Fail.”

  2. Research tools for ideation and empathy/journey mapping. Explore the following questions in your research: What other tools for ideation and journey mapping should we consider? How would you use them in your business? What problem or opportunity would you apply it to in your Capstone presentation? Look for practical applications in other companies. Be prepared to present and discuss your findings with our cohort.

  3. Begin planning for your Capstone presentation, which will take place on June 22nd, during the last of Denis’s workshops. How will you apply what you have learned in these workshops? Identify the problem, opportunity, or focus area for your Capstone presentation. Formulate the questions you will seek to answer in your presentation. Consider these as examples: How will you influence and shape culture? How will you introduce structure and process? How will you hire and develop for curiosity and innovation? How will you know you are making an impact with your leadership to drive innovation? You should be targeting approximately 7 minutes for your presentation with 3 minutes of Q&A.

June 7: Monthly Check-In

June 8: Master Talk | James Truran

June 14: Breakthrough Reflection | Session 3

June 22: Master Workshop | Denis Stypulkoski, Session 4

  • Finalize your Capstone Presentation

      • How will you apply what you have learned in these workshops?

    • Identify the problem, opportunity, or focus area for your Capstone Presentation

    • Formulate the questions you will seek to answer in your presentation

      • Perhaps: How will you influence and shape culture? How will you introduce structure and process? How will you hire and develop for curiosity and innovation? How will you know you are making an impact with you leadership to drive innovation?

    • You should be targeting a ~7 minute Capstone Presentation, allowing for an additional ~3 minutes for Q&A!

July 12: Monthly Check-In

July 14: Master Talk | Deb Reuben

Enjoy this free course, courtesy of Deb. (Coupon Code: TZSTRIPES0722)

July 26: Breakthrough Reflection | Session 4

August 2: Monthly Check-In

August 23: Master Talk | Tina Cartwright

September 6: Monthly Check-In

September 8: Breakthrough Reflection | Session 5

Program Calendar


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 Your Master Workshop

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