Tara Berlingo

Tara has 15 plus years of HR experience, six of which have been spent at Peoples United Bank. She has supported a variety of different groups including corporate, sales, engineering and service across a variety of industries. She has been involved with 10 mergers and acquisitions throughout her career. Tara also has had the opportunity to manage, mentor and coach numerous people throughout her career. She served on the board of the western branch of the Society for Human Resources Management from 2006-2011 in the position of Chair of Student Affairs and Co-Chair of Community Affairs. She has a master’s degree in Integrated Marketing from Manhatanville College and an undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice from Salve Regina University. She also holds certificates in Mediation as well as Dale Carnegie. Tara currently lives in Stamford, Connecticut and works out of Bridgeport, Connecticut.


Rich Irwin


Adam Ohme