Valerie King

I grew up in Boise, Idaho, and my high school class consisted of 13 people.  40% of the school came from countries around the world.  I earned an international baccalaureate degree and knew from the age of 12 I wanted to go to school in Boston.  My younger brother went the opposite route—he headed to Portland, OR.  I went to Wellesley College (right outside of Boston—close enough) and majored in theatre studies and anthropology.  I was the president of the Shakespeare Society and I directed three plays in college; I acted in/produced/sound designed for maybe 25 more.  I have lived in Idaho, Boston, New York City, Jamaica, St. Louis, Chicago, and San Francisco.  I ended up in Philadelphia and this is my third stint living here—I just can’t stay away.  I bought a house here—now I also can’t move away.  I have a tech background and I’ve done some political campaigning.  I’ve always been sales or sales-adjacent, but my passion is coaching.  My husband is from Germany and my dog is from Kensington.  He is a pug-cocker spaniel who is very lazy and very funny.  I am childfree by choice.  I am the Demand Gen/SDR Manager at Marlin Capital Solutions.  I like people who are funny, intelligent, and generous.  All day, I seek to laugh, make other people laugh, and shine a flashlight through the dark tunnel of one person’s career.  I’m excited to work with you all.


Justine Cook


Rich Irwin