Self-Care for Sustainable and Wholesome Leadership


Dr. Francesca D. Nuzzolese
Trauma Care Consultant, Psychotherapist, Scholar-Writer

11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. EST

Workshop Overview

Being a leader is certainly a great honor; but it is also a greater liability. The privilege of guiding others comes with an implicit commitment and responsibility to be able to handle moments of great stress, to navigate complex situations, and to guide individuals and teams through conflict and controversial dynamics. Research shows that such tasks can only be accomplished well and effectively when leaders tend to their own personal well-being, and prioritize their physical, spiritual, relational, and emotional health. Conversely, the prolonged negligence of self-care results in stress-related illnesses, relational and mental breakdowns, serious cases of burnout, and potential loss of integrity and direction. This workshop will invite participants to engage their own potential for transforming leadership, beginning with taking a sober look at how they treat (or mistreat!) themselves daily and by helping them identify and commit to the life-long personal and professional benefits of investing in self-care.

Why Select this Workshop?

  • To learn about the hazards of care-less leadership, such as stress-related illnesses, compassion fatigue, burnout, relational and professional breakdowns, and ultimately loss of integrity.

  • To develop self-care strategies that will ensure preservation of direction and credibility, as well as embody a solid, wholesome, and integrous leadership style

How You Learn

  • Theory. Participants will learn from the latest research what kind of personal and professional risks occur when they neglect self-care. They include: stress-related physical illnesses and diseases, relational breakdowns, loss of credibility and direction, compassion fatigue, spiritual despair, and burnout

  • Practice. The workshop will offer practical/experiential opportunities for self-reflection and introspection, awareness development, as well as exercises for ‘truth-telling’ (to identify each individual’s particular reasons for ignoring or neglecting self-care) and ‘re-creation’ (to imagine and construct a life which prioritizes care of self and care of others).


  • Ability to recognize signs and symptoms of acute stress – in oneself and in others

  • Concrete strategies to implement self-care when stress arises

  • A system/plan to sustain self-care over time

  • Ideas for creating a stress-free working culture and environment

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Dr. Francesca D. Nuzzolese
Trauma Care Consultant, Psychotherapist, Scholar-Writer

11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. EST

Workshop Overview

Being a leader is certainly a great honor; but it is also a greater liability. The privilege of guiding others comes with an implicit commitment and responsibility to be able to handle moments of great stress, to navigate complex situations, and to guide individuals and teams through conflict and controversial dynamics. Research shows that such tasks can only be accomplished well and effectively when leaders tend to their own personal well-being, and prioritize their physical, spiritual, relational, and emotional health. Conversely, the prolonged negligence of self-care results in stress-related illnesses, relational and mental breakdowns, serious cases of burnout, and potential loss of integrity and direction. This workshop will invite participants to engage their own potential for transforming leadership, beginning with taking a sober look at how they treat (or mistreat!) themselves daily and by helping them identify and commit to the life-long personal and professional benefits of investing in self-care.

Why Select this Workshop?

  • To learn about the hazards of care-less leadership, such as stress-related illnesses, compassion fatigue, burnout, relational and professional breakdowns, and ultimately loss of integrity.

  • To develop self-care strategies that will ensure preservation of direction and credibility, as well as embody a solid, wholesome, and integrous leadership style

How You Learn

  • Theory. Participants will learn from the latest research what kind of personal and professional risks occur when they neglect self-care. They include: stress-related physical illnesses and diseases, relational breakdowns, loss of credibility and direction, compassion fatigue, spiritual despair, and burnout

  • Practice. The workshop will offer practical/experiential opportunities for self-reflection and introspection, awareness development, as well as exercises for ‘truth-telling’ (to identify each individual’s particular reasons for ignoring or neglecting self-care) and ‘re-creation’ (to imagine and construct a life which prioritizes care of self and care of others).


  • Ability to recognize signs and symptoms of acute stress – in oneself and in others

  • Concrete strategies to implement self-care when stress arises

  • A system/plan to sustain self-care over time

  • Ideas for creating a stress-free working culture and environment

Dr. Francesca D. Nuzzolese
Trauma Care Consultant, Psychotherapist, Scholar-Writer

11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. EST

Workshop Overview

Being a leader is certainly a great honor; but it is also a greater liability. The privilege of guiding others comes with an implicit commitment and responsibility to be able to handle moments of great stress, to navigate complex situations, and to guide individuals and teams through conflict and controversial dynamics. Research shows that such tasks can only be accomplished well and effectively when leaders tend to their own personal well-being, and prioritize their physical, spiritual, relational, and emotional health. Conversely, the prolonged negligence of self-care results in stress-related illnesses, relational and mental breakdowns, serious cases of burnout, and potential loss of integrity and direction. This workshop will invite participants to engage their own potential for transforming leadership, beginning with taking a sober look at how they treat (or mistreat!) themselves daily and by helping them identify and commit to the life-long personal and professional benefits of investing in self-care.

Why Select this Workshop?

  • To learn about the hazards of care-less leadership, such as stress-related illnesses, compassion fatigue, burnout, relational and professional breakdowns, and ultimately loss of integrity.

  • To develop self-care strategies that will ensure preservation of direction and credibility, as well as embody a solid, wholesome, and integrous leadership style

How You Learn

  • Theory. Participants will learn from the latest research what kind of personal and professional risks occur when they neglect self-care. They include: stress-related physical illnesses and diseases, relational breakdowns, loss of credibility and direction, compassion fatigue, spiritual despair, and burnout

  • Practice. The workshop will offer practical/experiential opportunities for self-reflection and introspection, awareness development, as well as exercises for ‘truth-telling’ (to identify each individual’s particular reasons for ignoring or neglecting self-care) and ‘re-creation’ (to imagine and construct a life which prioritizes care of self and care of others).


  • Ability to recognize signs and symptoms of acute stress – in oneself and in others

  • Concrete strategies to implement self-care when stress arises

  • A system/plan to sustain self-care over time

  • Ideas for creating a stress-free working culture and environment