Staying Ahead of Tomorrow So You are Not Left Behind

Deb Reuben, CLFP
CEO & Founder

Talk Overview

We are living in a world of rapid and continual change. That change will only speed up, not slow down. Now is the time to replace old thinking with new frameworks. As business professionals and technologists, we must stay on top of advancing technology to avoid limitations of yesterday thinking. But doing so can be overwhelming with the flood of information and pull of daily responsibilities. What if you had a process to help you do both? Join industry consultant Deborah Reuben, for a presentation and workshop on how to stay on top of trends and think differently about the future to avoid limitations of the past.

Why Select this Talk?

It is an important practice for leaders but most don’t do it because they don’t know how or maybe don’t think they are technical enough to keep up. In so many industry leadership discussions this keeps coming up. How do you stay relevant and how do you help your team get out of the box when thinking about new possibilities? So many leaders in our industry ask me what they can do to keep up with the rapid pace of technology change. Leaders know they need to innovate, but they don’t always know what’s possible or the practical steps they can take for their own business or professional career.


By the end of this session, you will be able to: Identify the forces of change that will impact your career and industry over the next five years, create your watch list of key exponentially advancing technology categories to watch and choose new techniques to apply to your professional life to help you keep up with trends and stay relevant with the least amount of effort.

Deb Reuben, CLFP

Deborah “Deb” Reuben, CLFP, DES, is CEO and Founder of TomorrowZone®, a technology strategy consultancy inspiring fresh ideas and collaborations to shape the future of business. She encourages new thinking to explore the art of the possible through her extensive technical knowledge, equipment finance experience, and passion for challenging the status quo. Her expertise will enhance and broaden your company’s products and services and create efficiencies that will produce a competitive advantage for your company.

“We are living in a world of rapid and continual change. That change will only speed up, not slow down. Now is the time to replace old thinking with new frameworks. As business professionals and technologists, we must stay on top of advancing technology to avoid limitations of yesterday thinking. But doing so can be overwhelming with the flood of information and pull of daily responsibilities. What if you had a process to help you do both? Join industry consultant Deborah Reuben, for a presentation and workshop on how to stay on top of trends and think differently about the future to avoid limitations of the past”

— Deborah Reuben, CLFP